Custom Solution

Robot solutions

Roboter MB3 - Arcotec

Robot with special burner MB3-SR

Roboter B1 - Arcotec

Robot with pneumatically adjustable B1 burners

Conveyor belt solutions

Förderbandanlage GTS 401 - Arcotec

FTS 401 with Conveyor Belt & Flame Treatment Enclosure

Kettenförderer Arcotec

Chain conveyor with separable product carriers


Vorbehandlungsstation - Arcotec

Pre-treatment station for EPDM profiles and plastic pipes

Umhaustes Förderband - Arcotec

Enclosed conveyor belt and silica coating facility

Custom Solution

Flammvorbehandlungsstation - Arcotec

Flame pre-treatment station with water-cooled B1W burner

FTS Station - Arcotec

FTS with modified electric control unit

You are welcome to contact us for a free consultation.